University of Mary Honors Distinguished 校友 at 2023 首页。coming Festivities


俾斯麦, ND — The 2023 class of 校友 Recognition Award recipients has been announced at the University of Mary. These alumni are coming home to Mary’s annual 校友 Recognition and Hall of Fame Induction Celebration Friday, 10月27日, 5:30 p.m., in the Lumen Vitae University Center’s (LVUC) Founders Hall. 

President Monsignor James Shea says he and the university are grateful for the impact alumni have had on their communities and society as they continue to be role models for current University of Marystudents. 

“We graciously welcome home alumni who honor us all with their ‘lumen vitae’ — The Light of Life, 通过他们无私的日常行为和光荣的事迹,谢伊补充道。. “You give us hope and joy as the University of Mary intends to do nothing less than to bring light into the world by the transformation of lives, 随着我们的学生不断证明他们也, 我们为更多而生. 圣吉安娜·贝雷塔·莫拉曾经说过, 爱和牺牲是紧密相连的, 就像太阳和光明. We cannot love without suffering, and we cannot suffer without love.每一份明矾都代表着这种精神, that mission of the University of Mary and our pioneering founders, 报喜修道院的本笃会修女会.” 

立博中文版校长领导奖: This award is conferred on individual alumni for distinguished achievements as servant leaders regionally, 在全国范围内, 或在国际上.

Stephanie Olson-Alzyood first came to Mary in 2008 to earn a degree in education. She had wanted to be a teacher her entire life, but Providence had other plans. 对她的专业很矛盾, 她和我们社工系的一位老师谈过, 从那时起, 她知道上帝在召唤她做什么. She graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Social Work in 2012 and started her career at Charles Hall Youth 服务s here in 俾斯麦. 

For the next three years, Stephanie served with Pride, 公司. in a number of capacities, including as a behavior analyst and a program coordinator. 在某个时间点上, 她本科时的导师之一, 苏公路, made it her mission to persuade Stephanie to earn her master’s degree. Stephanie relented in 2017 and moved to New York City to pursue her Master of Social Work at Columbia University. 

She’s lived in New York City with her husband, Laith, ever since. 今天, she works with the New York City Department of Education’s Division of Early Childhood Education, providing young learners across the Five Boroughs access to free, 最优质的, 全日托儿及教育服务.

A member of the Columbia School of Social Work 校友 Association, 全国社会工作协会, 以及美国教师联合会, Stephanie feels that her journey’s come full circle — she came to the University of Mary to study education, 转移路径, 然后发现自己在资助学生, 父母, 教育工作者, 以及作为社会工作者的管理者. 在她空闲的时候, she likes to wander the streets of the big city with Laith, 和她的朋友在公园野餐, 然后尽可能多地骑自行车. 

立博中文版·贝尔·班纳大学奖: In recognition of the ideals of the University’s sponsors, 报喜修道院的本笃会修女会, the Bell Banner Award honors alumni for modeling the values of respect, 热情好客, 适度, 服务, 社区, 和祈祷.

Colin Kudrna grew up in Dickinson and came to 俾斯麦 to earn his undergraduate degree with us in 2007. After graduating with his Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science in 2009, 他参加了我们的物理治疗项目, 2012年完成博士学位. He took his first job at Optimum Therapies in EauClaire, 威斯康辛州, where he met his professional mentor and current business partner. 

五年后, in 2017, Colin returned to his home state with his family and opened Optimum Therapies of 北达科他, 公司., an independent physical therapy clinic, here in 俾斯麦. He and his colleagues offer a wide variety of essential 服务s, 从术后护理到慢性疼痛治疗, 而且他们这样做的时候考虑的是整个人. Their core aim is to promote whole-life well-being—physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. 

最佳疗法, Colin和他的团队经常思考他们的“为什么”,” what motivates them to roll out of bed and come to work in the morning. Colin puts his own “why” this way: to elevate the quality of health care for our region because his friends and family – and those categories include everyone who walks through the door of his clinic – deserve the best. 

天主教医学协会的成员, 美国物理治疗协会, 还有哥伦布骑士团, Colin often comes to campus to guest lecture and visit with our Physical Therapy students. 他和他的妻子, 布列塔尼, our new Coordinator for the 家庭 Nurse Practitioner program, 住在俾斯麦,有四个孩子. 

The University of Mary Harold Schafer 校友 Leadership Award: This award recognizes graduates who have attained distinction as leaders in their professions while exemplifying the values cherished by the University of Mary.

Some of us didn’t figure out what God wanted us to do with our lives until we were full-grown. 不是瑞安·卡普奇. 他在12岁失明后找到了自己的使命. 在法戈的梅里特医疗医院待了一周之后, 离他在波特兰的家一小时路程, 北达科他, 他又能看见东西了, and he knew that he wanted to do for others what his doctors had done for him. 

Ryan came to Mary six years later, in 2010, to study biology and minor in chemistry and theology. 他想成为一名验光师. 在他本科期间, 他在几个乐团中演奏和演唱, 担任过两年学生会主席, 并获得2014年优秀学长奖. 他于2014年以优异成绩毕业, 后不久, he headed south to complete his professional studies at the Arizona School of Optometry. 在获得博士学位之后, he settled in Fargo and spent two years at Eyes on Broadway, serving patients alongside one of the doctors who had been instrumental in his rapid recovery back in junior high, Dr. 迈克尔人造皮. 

Ryan founded Lumen Vision in 2018 with the intention of bringing high-quality, 负担得起的, person-centered eye care to his neighbors 在法戈南部, 特别是儿童. He and his colleagues have brightened the lives of hundreds and hundreds of patients and their families since, 而且他们没有任何懈怠的迹象. 

天主教医学协会的成员 and a Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development, 赖安和他的妻子住在一起, 玛吉, 他们的儿子, 本尼迪克特, 在法戈南部.